E’ molto interessante valutare quanto “costa” un’autostrada.
In termini di superficie il consumo di suoli agricoli e ambientali della pedemontana ultimo progetto ammonterà a circa 334 ha, equivalenti a 468 campi da calcio.
A queste occupazioni si sommano le attività estrattive che in termini numerici impegneranno il territorio per altri potenziali 134 ha, un’area equivalente a 187 campi da calcio. In totale per l’autostrada ci “ fotteremo ” aree equivalenti about 655 football fields .
To realize the great disaster near future may be helpful to look at satellite photos of the eight areas identified for the cultivation of the quarry. Here is an example, one of three sites Cavaglià-Alice, to see all 8 areas covered CLICK HERE
If the highway will be built will fall in proportion to agricultural land taken away, the need for irrigation for agriculture and thus the deficiency of the Consortium would like to resolve with the Reclamation Dam Valsessera. This decrease is obviously not considered in the dam project presented but is estimated at around 7-8 Mmc , almost half the contribution the project, expected in about 18 Mcm .
This fact should give pause to those public administrators who wish to spend € 322 million for a work even more unjustified whether the highway will be removed from so many areas of farmland.
Purtroppo e paradosso, per ammansire gli agricoltori, la diga è stata prospettata quale sorta di opera a compensazione: gli specchietti per le allodole funzionano ancora.
Per giustificare l’opera autostradale i tecnici estensori della relazione trasportistica hanno valutato che nel 2017 i volumi di traffico giornalieri medi will, in the busiest section, amounting to 37,489 vehicles in 6067 / 2 31422 / 2 light and heavy.
Perhaps it is better to read well: 37,489 vehicles per day, 18,600 by directorate;
share day is estimated at: 30,487 vehicles per day.
are exorbitant and unlikely (try to count the vehicles passing on the highway today Cossato or Carisio and Santhià), built with a inappropriate reference, the analysis of the exponential growth of traffic on Highway To-Mi in the period 1992-2003.
A "trick" need to overstatement: it is unthinkable that trend referred to a great artery of traffic between the two major capitals of Italy to the industrial location, the entire device, the Biellese trend also conveniently skimmed by lower flows recorded since 2003 and continuing to this day not for "reasons of construction," but the current economic crisis.
Traffic Graph on the evolution
1) Because the proponent is forced to overestimate the traffic?
2) Because the proponent is obliged to apply 10% discount to vehicles crossing from Santhià Ghemme in order to attract users to a free route benefits of road system?
3) Why the applicant requires the user to Biella toll with the slight reduction of 20% on flights up to now completely free, however, messed up the internal mobility?
simply for reasons of business , with those estimates and receipts to prove what the work is financially capable of covering the financial share in the project.
If built to motorway traffic will be lower than can be overestimated Always review the tariffs or increase the proportion of grants already made by ANAS and the Piedmont Region.
That 's what has happened in all the great Italian operas where the business risk is covered and secured from public finance (see the TAV and the resurfacing TO-MI).
no coincidence estimates foothills soared upward when the formula was chosen financial project (the last update of the Centre of Transportation is 28/02 / 2011 and amounted to well 781 milioni di euro il costo dell’opera, e non è esclusa la futura necessità di aggiornamento del quadro finanziario) anziché un mero affidamento esecutivo con gare al ribasso (in quanto operazione squisitamente finanziaria la “scommessa” imprenditoriale si realizza sul rialzo del valore delle opere, sulla sovrastima).
Non a caso a “governare” per la Provincia di Biella le problematiche in conferenza dei servizi è stato posto il meno terzo dei politici biellesi, il direttore dell’ANCE locale, del Collegio Costruttori Biellesi.
Scanzio "Councillor highway" Gariazzo and President of the Consortium of Reclamation, in fact "Councillor Shadow the Dam" , we have achieved the highest lobbyist and clear attribution of the provincial government public works.
even in Sicily come to this
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