Monday, March 7, 2011

Organ Donation Herpies


Chissà se a fronte dell’evidenza i politici locali decideranno affinché la montagna biellese sia dichiarata “no-fly- zone” per la pratica del fuoripista calato dall’alto ?

Difficile. Abbiamo politici che vorrebbero impianti da sci vietati dai piani forestali all’interno del SIC della Valsessera (Simonetti); altri che sono favorevoli alla caccia nei Parchi (Dellarovere); altri ancora favorevoli al free-downhill , nessuna regola e limite, purché ripiani i conti in rosso delle Funivie di Oropa. La sensibilità ambientale è un optional risolto Ruled by SUV.

The same Simonetti, after preaching on the issue that dam Valsessera expected to examine the design and analysis of the technicians, is already explaining that, after all, is the quid in exchange, impacts monetize it and the mountain will be squeezed as stated in the Consortium of Reclamation.

But they, the politicians are only the spearhead of a general barbarism.

Contestato in tutta Europa ed Americhe per ragioni squisitamente ambientali (rumore, disturbo alla fauna, elevato consumo di carburante, inquinamento, ecc.) l’ eli-ski trova tra i detrattori anche molti amanti dello scialpinismo classico, uno sport di fatica, dal “basso” la cui progressione “lenta” consente di meglio valutare i percorsi, la qualità della neve, ecc. ed affrontare i rischi, sempre presenti, con maggiore ponderazione.

Ai corsi di soccorso alpino, dopo aver istruito rigorosamente gli allievi sullo scibile “valanga” , like to recall that the snowball did the course, do not know all the concepts that the students have learned. These students may be given the vision of a Decalogue by Krzysztof Kieślowski the failure of rationality, as a reminder that the Avalanche is, in fact, irrational.
This wise course, simple rules apply if you have the presumption of optimal conditions, preferably to be tackled with progression from the bottom.

In the context of a medium or high risk as these hot days in the shelter of a snowfall, with snow still not settled, the commercial proposal for the practice of off-piste with access from above can be considered criminal practice ?

MOUNTAIN wilderness, CAI, Legambiente, Cyprus and many other national associations are fighting in Italy against the heli-ski not only for environmental reasons but responsible for mountaineering, even in technical sports: mountain is not a playground but to deal with an environment of mutual respect.

A MOUNTAIN Biella where wilderness is created on the initiative of the SEAT prevails, however, the silence, indifference . In this context, the tragic episode of the flue could occur, no one has challenged in advance explaining the risks of undervaluation which inevitably led to those who are selling a product.

Besides that expected from CAI Biella (*) so careless concerning the issues of protection of the mountain so as not to have yet reached a decision on progetto di Diga in Valsessera , nell’unica area wilderness biellese ?

Le lacrime e i De profundis hanno valore (e avranno valore) solo se sussiste l’impegno  a voltar pagina. Su eli-ski, ed anche sulla Diga.

(*) Solo  la sezione  Cai di Mosso, Trivero e Valsessera ha espresso in questi giorni la propria contrarietà all’invaso nel SIC montano.


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