Salve a tutte ragazze,
mi devo scusare con voi per questa mia assenza ma ultimamente studio per un esame ed in più lavoro quasi tutti i giorni fino a tardi (le 22!!) quindi ho davvero pochissimo tempo per stare al pc e sono sempre terribilmente stanca....
Lo yoga mi aiuta a mantenere controllato il mio livello di stress ma da solo non basta...:)
Comunque oggi sono qui per un'altro motivo....Come tutte saprete oggi ricorre l'anniversario dei 150 anni dell'Unità d' fatto mi ha un po' sconvolto, ma in positivo...
A Bologna e in tutte le città d'Italia l'aria di festa è tricolore appare ovunque, attaccato from lampposts, shops, on the balconies of the houses and Piazza Maggiore has put out its beautiful red banners symbol of a national holiday! I had hardly ever seen a city and an Italy so ...!! I am proud and happy to belong to this people, although many times should assert themselves more and take advantage of its many possibilities! We considered the country of the good life and the world's most beautiful nation cabbage, then pull out the balls and do not put your feet on the head by anybody, and not political ...!!!
The hope that this festival will happen every March 17 is almost useless for ever but it would be really my desire ... I've never seen a participation so by the citizens for no other national holiday in Italy ...... would an equivalent of July 4th for the Americans (and also my anniversary with Matthew) where everything is painted with stars and stripes .. .!
I really have to congratulate all the Italians, who were able to make this exciting day!
ew Thanks Italy!
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