Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scotch Laminating Pouches In Purple Cow Machine

Please pray for Japan

Believers or not, please, just for once, pray for Japan .... a country that needs us, for these people who have not for a war of choice by someone who do not fight for a piece of land or oil, but the damned suffering from a terrible disaster .... There are children, women, and men aniziani who need our support ... the first step is a little thought for them, the second is to try to do something to change and make this a better world ....

Soda With Balls In It

150th anniversary of the unification of ITALY! YOGA

Salve a tutte ragazze,
mi devo scusare con voi per questa mia assenza ma ultimamente studio per un esame ed in più lavoro quasi tutti i giorni fino a tardi (le 22!!) quindi ho davvero pochissimo tempo per stare al pc e sono sempre terribilmente stanca....
Lo yoga mi aiuta a mantenere controllato il mio livello di stress ma da solo non basta...:)

Comunque oggi sono qui per un'altro motivo....Come tutte saprete oggi ricorre l'anniversario dei 150 anni dell'Unità d' fatto mi ha un po' sconvolto, ma in positivo...
A Bologna e in tutte le città d'Italia l'aria di festa è tricolore appare ovunque, attaccato from lampposts, shops, on the balconies of the houses and Piazza Maggiore has put out its beautiful red banners symbol of a national holiday! I had hardly ever seen a city and an Italy so ...!! I am proud and happy to belong to this people, although many times should assert themselves more and take advantage of its many possibilities! We considered the country of the good life and the world's most beautiful nation cabbage, then pull out the balls and do not put your feet on the head by anybody, and not political ...!!!

The hope that this festival will happen every March 17 is almost useless for ever but it would be really my desire ... I've never seen a participation so by the citizens for no other national holiday in Italy ...... would an equivalent of July 4th for the Americans (and also my anniversary with Matthew) where everything is painted with stars and stripes .. .!
I really have to congratulate all the Italians, who were able to make this exciting day!
ew Thanks Italy!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can You Paint Drylok Over Existing Paint

Archangel 14-11 ALL AT SEA


Friends Biellese
Friends of the Fund "Edo Temple",
On 12 June take a few days of rest, the sea is waiting for us!
Come with me in the safe beaches of Fukushima
will be an unforgettable vacation
Your Umberto, spin doctors

I wonder if the "Fondo Edo Temple" now appropriate to consider it "elegant guesthouse" President of their scientific committee?

L ' registry (86 years), the lost credibility as a scientist (as part of the Agency for Nuclear Security has fired a lot of bales) and questionable ethical conduct policy (carefree turncoats and sponsor-compliant) should be more than sufficient evidence for making that decision.

Probably the GIM with a pat on the back, he would have already dismissed.

Online Quicktime South Park

Extreme Challenge Trophy Trophy by FIF 2011 1 Stage Imperia Colle San B. ..

Mac Highlighter In Pearl

Offroad Extreme - XTC 2011 4x4

Dirt Bike Wedding Cakes

Bad Spiders Unit - March 2011

Domenica 27 marzo ci sarà il giro off road che il club Bad Spiders organizza ogni mese. Una uscita in fuoristrada su percorsi naturali.
Il ritrovo sarà alle ore 8.30 a Varano de' Melegari (PR), presso la Acerni Offroad.
Il costo d'iscrizione al club è di euro 50 per tutto l'anno/per fuoristrada, poi le uscite sono gratuite per tutti i soci.
Il progamma per il 2011 prevede varie uscite dando la possibilità a tutti gli interessati di poter partecipare living in off-road experience very spectacular. For this reason we choose for our exit routes versatile and fun, plus, where possible, some more demanding variant dedicated to those who will want to test themselves and their vehicles.
For most of the outputs are open to all types of terrain with gear in practice for Sunday, March 27 sonoprevisti two rounds, a hard and a soft, depending on the terrain you have.

For organizational reasons it is essential to confirm their participation.
Bad Spiders Tel: 345.9306803

Bad Spiders

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Which Is Better Pachanga Or Morongo

Archangel Archangel 13-11 HIGH WARRANTIES

E’ molto interessante valutare quanto “costa” un’autostrada.

In termini di superficie il consumo di suoli agricoli e ambientali della pedemontana ultimo progetto ammonterà a circa 334 ha, equivalenti a 468 campi da calcio.

A queste occupazioni si sommano le attività estrattive che in termini numerici impegneranno il territorio per altri potenziali 134 ha, un’area equivalente a 187 campi da calcio. In totale per l’autostrada ci “ fotteremo ” aree equivalenti about 655 football fields .

To realize the great disaster near future may be helpful to look at satellite photos of the eight areas identified for the cultivation of the quarry. Here is an example, one of three sites Cavaglià-Alice, to see all 8 areas covered CLICK HERE

If the highway will be built will fall in proportion to agricultural land taken away, the need for irrigation for agriculture and thus the deficiency of the Consortium would like to resolve with the Reclamation Dam Valsessera. This decrease is obviously not considered in the dam project presented but is estimated at around 7-8 Mmc , almost half the contribution the project, expected in about 18 Mcm .

This fact should give pause to those public administrators who wish to spend € 322 million for a work even more unjustified whether the highway will be removed from so many areas of farmland.


Purtroppo e paradosso, per ammansire gli agricoltori, la diga è stata prospettata quale sorta di opera a compensazione: gli specchietti per le allodole funzionano ancora.

Per giustificare l’opera autostradale i tecnici estensori della relazione trasportistica hanno valutato che nel 2017 i volumi di traffico giornalieri medi will, in the busiest section, amounting to 37,489 vehicles in 6067 / 2 31422 / 2 light and heavy.

Perhaps it is better to read well: 37,489 vehicles per day, 18,600 by directorate;
share day is estimated at: 30,487 vehicles per day.

are exorbitant and unlikely (try to count the vehicles passing on the highway today Cossato or Carisio and Santhià), built with a inappropriate reference, the analysis of the exponential growth of traffic on Highway To-Mi in the period 1992-2003.

A "trick" need to overstatement: it is unthinkable that trend referred to a great artery of traffic between the two major capitals of Italy to the industrial location, the entire device, the Biellese trend also conveniently skimmed by lower flows recorded since 2003 and continuing to this day not for "reasons of construction," but the current economic crisis.

Traffic Graph on the evolution

1) Because the proponent is forced to overestimate the traffic?
2) Because the proponent is obliged to apply 10% discount to vehicles crossing from Santhià Ghemme in order to attract users to a free route benefits of road system?
3) Why the applicant requires the user to Biella toll with the slight reduction of 20% on flights up to now completely free, however, messed up the internal mobility?

simply for reasons of business , with those estimates and receipts to prove what the work is financially capable of covering the financial share in the project.

If built to motorway traffic will be lower than can be overestimated Always review the tariffs or increase the proportion of grants already made by ANAS and the Piedmont Region.

That 's what has happened in all the great Italian operas where the business risk is covered and secured from public finance (see the TAV and the resurfacing TO-MI).

no coincidence estimates foothills soared upward when the formula was chosen financial project (the last update of the Centre of Transportation is 28/02 / 2011 and amounted to well 781 milioni di euro il costo dell’opera, e non è esclusa la futura necessità di aggiornamento del quadro finanziario) anziché un mero affidamento esecutivo con gare al ribasso (in quanto operazione squisitamente finanziaria la “scommessa” imprenditoriale si realizza sul rialzo del valore delle opere, sulla sovrastima).

Non a caso a “governare” per la Provincia di Biella le problematiche in conferenza dei servizi è stato posto il meno terzo dei politici biellesi, il direttore dell’ANCE locale, del Collegio Costruttori Biellesi.

With mono-charged
Scanzio "Councillor highway" Gariazzo and President of the Consortium of Reclamation, in fact "Councillor Shadow the Dam" , we have achieved the highest lobbyist and clear attribution of the provincial government public works.

even in Sicily come to this


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Canning How Long Will It Last

I could not talk of Yoga .... sooner or later I had to do!
I do yoga once week with a group of girls and boys really fantastic! We are a large family, our teacher is also a great friend and is very exciting .... the place, warm and beautiful!
I love yoga for the physical and psychological benefits that gives me even if you have to practice patience and diligence in order to truly benefit from yoga!
So in order to make this practice must be convinced and decided just because the psyche is central to yoga ....
My love affair with yoga in the late part of 2008, when, in the fifth than my physical education teacher asks us to do a lesson self-management because of his many ailments, she practiced yoga every now and then the chair of the gym and had a book dedicated to this practice ... without thinking too much (and little desire to play volleyball with the others) I put in the hands of My best friend Vanessa and I had this book read the instructions for making the positions ... Slowly, I followed the ...
There is little to say, the results I immediately felt, the fact is that my driving instructor has almost commanded me to keep my cool and thanks to the skill of driving in that day (which is all finished ahahaha there). After buying my yoga kit though, I stopped for my particular little experience .... the beginning di marzo mi sono definitivamente iscritta nella sede di una palestra privata dove Francesca, l'insegnante, insegna vari tipi di yoga e ginnastica posturale! Siamo sempre (o quasi) meno di 10 persone e quindi è una cosa molto intima proprio perchè è un'associazione privata e non una palestra....questo cambia di molto le cose...
Se vogliamo parlare di celebrità, sono tantissime le star che amano praticare yoga almeno una volta alla settimana.....vediamo chi.....

Nina Dovrev, la star che dopo tanto tempo, mi ha convinto ad iniziare adoro!!!

Reese Witherspoon

Drew Barrymore
Jennifer Aniston
Katy Perry
E potrei go on for hours! Yoga is a practice preferred by the stars and even from me ....:)



Monday, March 7, 2011

Organ Donation Herpies


Chissà se a fronte dell’evidenza i politici locali decideranno affinché la montagna biellese sia dichiarata “no-fly- zone” per la pratica del fuoripista calato dall’alto ?

Difficile. Abbiamo politici che vorrebbero impianti da sci vietati dai piani forestali all’interno del SIC della Valsessera (Simonetti); altri che sono favorevoli alla caccia nei Parchi (Dellarovere); altri ancora favorevoli al free-downhill , nessuna regola e limite, purché ripiani i conti in rosso delle Funivie di Oropa. La sensibilità ambientale è un optional risolto Ruled by SUV.

The same Simonetti, after preaching on the issue that dam Valsessera expected to examine the design and analysis of the technicians, is already explaining that, after all, is the quid in exchange, impacts monetize it and the mountain will be squeezed as stated in the Consortium of Reclamation.

But they, the politicians are only the spearhead of a general barbarism.

Contestato in tutta Europa ed Americhe per ragioni squisitamente ambientali (rumore, disturbo alla fauna, elevato consumo di carburante, inquinamento, ecc.) l’ eli-ski trova tra i detrattori anche molti amanti dello scialpinismo classico, uno sport di fatica, dal “basso” la cui progressione “lenta” consente di meglio valutare i percorsi, la qualità della neve, ecc. ed affrontare i rischi, sempre presenti, con maggiore ponderazione.

Ai corsi di soccorso alpino, dopo aver istruito rigorosamente gli allievi sullo scibile “valanga” , like to recall that the snowball did the course, do not know all the concepts that the students have learned. These students may be given the vision of a Decalogue by Krzysztof Kieślowski the failure of rationality, as a reminder that the Avalanche is, in fact, irrational.
This wise course, simple rules apply if you have the presumption of optimal conditions, preferably to be tackled with progression from the bottom.

In the context of a medium or high risk as these hot days in the shelter of a snowfall, with snow still not settled, the commercial proposal for the practice of off-piste with access from above can be considered criminal practice ?

MOUNTAIN wilderness, CAI, Legambiente, Cyprus and many other national associations are fighting in Italy against the heli-ski not only for environmental reasons but responsible for mountaineering, even in technical sports: mountain is not a playground but to deal with an environment of mutual respect.

A MOUNTAIN Biella where wilderness is created on the initiative of the SEAT prevails, however, the silence, indifference . In this context, the tragic episode of the flue could occur, no one has challenged in advance explaining the risks of undervaluation which inevitably led to those who are selling a product.

Besides that expected from CAI Biella (*) so careless concerning the issues of protection of the mountain so as not to have yet reached a decision on progetto di Diga in Valsessera , nell’unica area wilderness biellese ?

Le lacrime e i De profundis hanno valore (e avranno valore) solo se sussiste l’impegno  a voltar pagina. Su eli-ski, ed anche sulla Diga.

(*) Solo  la sezione  Cai di Mosso, Trivero e Valsessera ha espresso in questi giorni la propria contrarietà all’invaso nel SIC montano.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Transfer Music Shareaza Itunes





The Magic Shop Verbania, Via Paolo Casana 8

TEL: 03231980247

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Makeup Artist Nordstrom Qualifications

New purchases KIKO! Gabriele

ragazzeeeeeeeeeee Hello!! First of all I thank you again for being so many!
Then, while watching Wild, I'll introduce you to some of the purchases I made today ...!!! So KIKO!

I went with my mom, so I got funding! :) She also did some shopping, and delivery with her ..!

This is a product that is part of the new collection for the care of the lips: There are 4 different products it seems to me including a common lip balm, a plumping, a balm to put lipstick as a base before and this, a lip balm to be applied at night. E 'suitable for those with very dry lips and the clerk assured me that the difference during the day feels a lot!

What you see in the picture is the Night Lip Balm and is described as a nourishing lip treatment. I have quite fleshy lips and a little dry so for now I can not give an opinion but I'll tell you something after my mom used to have!

Then, he bought a mascara, precisely Luxurious Lashes Mascara ... we had already and we are always right ... is a good mascara for the price ... so he should! : D

And now let's start with my purchases!
I bought a nail polish, pink nail polish on a regular French manicure, to be the day of baptism ... I had already one of kiko but it is old and has partly dried up so I bought another, note that this is the number 210 ... I would call a normal enamel classic, a must-have and a mat! ;)

Then, then, then a primer! The classic primer for the eyes .... Kiko Cost: 6.90 and, I have yet to try .... who has already done it says it is valid and I need for baptism, so that my trick " Strap-natural "to take all the necessary hours for the festivities after the ceremony! I will tell you! ;)

Last but not least, the new Face Contouring Sculpting Duo that I was reported by my salvation, my cousin DADD (click on link to see her beautiful blog). I had thought about doing the contouring for the ceremony but I did not know where to find a suitable kit .... Finally Kiko came my way and made a new product line for this ... frankly the others had all colors the rose that I do not really seem suitable for contouring and the only one with color suitable for this operation is the number 01 - Flawless gold highlighting. So far I have not tried it yet but I will tell you ....

Finally I put a fotuzza of champions che mi ha dato la commessa...sono tutti fondotinta: due mat foundation numero 02 beige rose e 3 skin evolution, il numero 08 ethereal beige , il numero 05 natural tan, e il numero 04 medium rose...! Li proverò presto tutti, e sceglierò il mio!!!

Adesso direi che vi ho detto pressocchè tutto dei miei acquisti makeupposi di oggi quindi mi dirigo verso il nanno!!!!
Datemi consigli e chiedetemi quello che volete, come sempre!!!
Un super bacio!!!!  A presto, V.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Heat Packs After Extractions


Ragazzuole il battesimo di Gabrielino gets closer and closer (and Saturday) and I'm still far behind, as usual! But I have the dress, the socks fit, the pouch, one palette for makeup and hair clips for ... still missing her shoes, her coat and a shawl or something ... plus other tricks, always indispensable to be perfect ....

Well well. I decided to give you a preview (for you);) of my choices! In this post I will show you my beautiful clutch!
It 's the first I buy, I am very satisfied! E 'gray so you can match up everything, including future opportunities and full of rhinestones, which make the picture really little ... (I still hope you get the idea, as it is !).,... Inside, there's obviously the shoulder and shorter cordicina to put around your wrist!

Well, you are my personal advisor ... I made the right choice?? E 'smart enough or too flashy?? Tell me something while I'm in time to change the look! Meanwhile, I'll post more about the various things that I bought!

Thank you very much for becoming 50! I love you!

A big kiss, V.

Building Sand Rail With Honda Motor

12-11 11-11 Hymenoplasty ICA

Poor Biella ! Crushed by the abuse of car
of infamous people, who do not know what modesty

Paraphrasing today Battiato I deal with Hymenoplasty, who, on the cyclo-accessibility and sustainable mobility look shamelessly and with timing worthy of the worst opportunities to build a lost virginity .

And just read the post Question Roberto Pietrobon following the inauguration of the association "NOCO2 for Bike" to learn of his frustration in the face of attempts performed, when he was in the majority, to promote cycling. Vain attempts to uttered the usual lack of money , a leitmotif Simonetti was recognized by the presentation of the new association, to make it clear that he did not do anything.

How many false

The center-left has made it impossible for any duties for 'Bicycle Office, established on the initiative of Legambiente, mortifying their commitment and the preparation of the official Dr. Paola Quarello (it was formed specifically to Ferrara FIAB and cooperated with the Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle)

The center-left has never asked for a real bike path by which primary infrastructure (the Bears have a stump stop to the track "Antoniminesi" and the track is on standby to Candelo from 2 years to promote the Banca Sella is prevented slope south toward the center and the avenue Carducci has been remade without the track expected to PRGC, not a corrective for the track-shame-waste of public money for street-Via Roma Macallé, even in the markings; spender on investment Deer in the absence of a network, etc..)

The center-left has found a lot of money to build roads instead but did not make the new roads also thinking of the bicycles and pedestrians (road Gronda, an extension of way to sucker, Macallé Street Extension, etc.)..

Bicycle lanes are not were initiated and carried out simply because it did not affect , were not in vision , a hindrance to his city and the freedom to turn away.

not money but the lack of a center-left local bicycle culture devoid of , illustrates how Pietrobon car final "cyclist Sunday" .

Pietrobon today cries not able to make a battle with Zola, but they are only crocodile tears populist- , the hypocrisy of those who co-ruled the delay and the backwardness of this urban city in terms of sustainable mobility.

once went around with the closed fist and raised, proud of being a communist.

Now Vendola, keep a low profile and noticed, as we demonstrated in a concrete and its ambiguity in the majority of critical mass of fists for a cyclists' mobility, it is not was capable of. much chatter.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Collar Bone Is Burning

eyelashes .... I tried them!

the other day I made the plunge and ... I tried them!

As you can see are incredibly long and exaggerated .... I have not had the courage and the opportunity to wear them out and now I'm looking for something more natural .... maybe for the Baptism of Gabriel! ! ;)

For now I post the pictures so you understand exactly what I mean by "exaggerated ".... and As always, if you have any questions I'm here! A bacioneeeeee! V.

nb. The photos are all was made by my personal photographer, my Matthew!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sony Television Usb Port

Purchases Essence

few days ago I went to Essence, of course with my boyfriend! He always gives me lots of good advice! : D

So I bought 3 little things that I can not wait to show you!
Stampy The first is the set for nail art.

Inside is everything you need to do a nail art more than decent ... The spatula was inside the kit was a bit spoiled in the sense that the blade was a little 'twisted and stuck inside but it works the same, even if not great!
With this set I was fine using it on natural nails, a little 'less when I had to decorate your nails already glazed ... vote? 7

And now the second purchase ..!
The Essence of eyebrow pencil! I must say that at first when I saw I was not entirely convinced, then I consulted the wonderful blog of my cousin and she speaks really well so I trusted!
Big mistake! Haha just kidding! The pencil is really good and I found myself very well! In my shop there were only two colors and I chose the darker, which is perfect for my eyes! Vote? 9

Finally I bought this beautiful palette marked Manhattan, the brand that truly I had never heard! But they were off and in more colors I like so much! I think I will study something for the baptism of Gabrielino and now I just decided that I will use this palette! I will tell you later ...;) vote 9 per hour!

And that's all! I was very happy with my purchases, I must say that Essence I am always very satisfied!
A kiss girls! V.