Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Do Use When Waxing

Review Buff'd Cosmetics

Hello girls! Then this
è una review un po' speciale, ovvero quella dei campioncini Buff'd che ho ricevuto a casa...Devo dire che sono stati davvero velocissimi a spedirli, considerando che arrivavano dal Canada e che era tutto perfettamente intatto! ;)

I colori dei fondotinta che ho ricevuto li avevo chiesti io, specificando quali avrei desiderato ricevere e il resto l'hanno deciso loro in base al colore dei miei occhi e a quello dei miei capelli!
Sempre rimanendo sul tema colori, devo dire che mi sono piaciuti molto, come vedete sono quasi tutti sul marrone, che è un colore che si adatta quasi a tutte, ma è anche il colore che solitamente use more!

Let's start with the review:

First of all, the foundation, and those that I have received are:
- Neutral - Light Medium Mineral Foundation in Concealing Formula
- Apricot Mineral Concealing Foundation in Formula
- Mineral Finishing Powder Putty

These three foundation only very very similar to the color of my skin, then eliminate the defects, but without Note that there is a foundation! It all seems very natural and I must say that I really like this ... My favorite is the Putty because it contains small rhinestones that give a little 'light to the skin, while others are very natural and strictly opaque!

Let the earth and illuminant:
- Candelight Illuminating
Dust - Honey in Bronze Velvet Matte Mineral

The first illuminating it's adorable, I want it! I love the brilliant things and I go crazy ... This is the illuminating light to the right place it really is perfect! (Maybe the photo does not make it up to do but study pen!)

With regard to the land, although this is perhaps too much the same to my skin color, and then in the photos that I did not notice, but I have say that it is quite opaque and suitable if you want a very natural look.

Then we have the blush or blush: What I have been sent are both pink and leave gotine the same color as those of children. Many stars appreciate this effect because it gives the impression that a person enjoys great wealth and health. It 's very nice to people on very thin and Kristin Stewart often makes use. The colors are:

-Playful Velvet Matte Mineral Blush in
- Tricky Mineral Blush Satin Pearl

The first is a beautiful pink, natural and simply adorable, the second is fantastic, as bright as you want I and a unique color! Promossissimi both, to put it in English, amazing, awesome! ;)

Here's swatch:

Then we have the three eye shadows, which as I mentioned are all in shades of brown:

- Plaster Mineral Eye Shadow
- Mousy Mineral Eye Shadow
- Magnetic Mineral Eye Liner

For these remarks can only be super-positive, are simply beautiful, very pigmented and almost all pearl colors are very neutral ... but really suitable in any situation!

And then we come to the end of this little review.
The final product is 10/10. They are real quality and tone are wonderful ...

Buff'd Cosmetics infinitely thank you for giving me the opportunity to try these products and can not wait l'ora di fare un po' di acquisti da loro.
Per quanto riguarda voi, ragazze, spero di avervi detto tutto e di aver fatto un articolo abbastanza soddisfacente e come sempre chiedete pure se volete altre infos.

Un bacione, a presto. V.


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