Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Are The Benefits Drinking Coconut Milk

Archangel 08-11 IF NOT NOW WHEN?


The table above summarizes the amounts of funds for social members in the budget of the State (the "financial") in recent years and the forecast for the period 2011-2013 .

containment of public spending cuts is annotated with wild (- 86%) where the critical (increased poverty) is larger.

By contrast, the public expenditure is not contained in the same way for those public works (infrastructure applies) of dubious value, some damage and secure business environment for those achievements.

In Biella dam on Sessera (322 M €) and Highway (561 M €) definitely fall into this category of works, creating more harm than good, the water consumption and of land.

Those involved in "social" launches these days the alarm for these unreasonable cuts ordered by the government, but as always, will not have the courage to see beyond their own needs.

CARITAS Biella, Free Biella, Biella ACLI subjects and neighbors never refute the absurd drainage of public resources for works that, in Biella, there are more rational second public utility and common sense?

Hardly. The logic of the watertight compartments and not to irritate the politician in office to avoid jeopardizing the mite or the financing of projects and will prevail: charitably move in the shadows of the market / state without ever refuting the market / state that produces the shadow , no complaint.

But these things do not talk much politics, too new.

Yesterday I watched (and listened) to 35 and more diligently "coaches" for five minutes each that I have crossed the view to the virtual station Biella, prepared by "breakers" in 'ex Pria.

In this format all-wheeled wagons / frame have followed each other fast and as hard to read the writing on a train in transit, are still not clear content delivered.

I certainly have caught the car with the word HIGHWAY much less concern that the highway can make a concrete contribution to the depletion rather than development. Perhaps an oversight or a limit.

The topic is still taboo in fact left the center in Biella defended this idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, but it remains, therefore, the key issue that can no longer evade when "renew" is an objective and not just a slogan.

Oggi 13 febbraio, giorno di festa, la gente è scesa in piazza anche a Biella chiedendo sia la fine del berlusconismo (quello concreto) che del berlusconismo (culturale) fatto proprio, da molti, anche nel centro sinistra.

Sostenere ancora la identica filosofia autostradale della destra e degli scanzio-costruttori (solo farsa la differenza di tracciati) è uno scandalo che il centro sinistra deve risolvere di fronte ai propri elettori.




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