Sunday, February 20, 2011

Best Vacuum Cleaner For Frieze Carpet

due diligence 10-11 09 -11 BLIND LUCK

This building is classified by Italy via PRGC Category 2 (*) and the facade restoration is subject to under the NTA, Art. 16.4.3 d);

As you can see the ' building has already been a raising in the past.

A few days ago a portion of the building is characterized by additional sopraffettazioni, three dormer style alpine chalet :

Probably the Building Committee are not fussy and have admitted to intervene, even if they do not reflect the style of the facade as well as being partial (does not affect the entire building, giving rise to heterogeneity) and features larger windows than those present at the upper floor below.

A crap that not even the time of partition policy Municipal zoning between PCI and DC those of foxes and Nosengo arch.ti Varner would never have allowed.

But it is well known: in urban, today more than ever, be Fortunato does not hurt (and even better if an architect).



Concerns: edifici di notevole interesse storico artistico,  vincolati ai sensi del D.Lgsl. 490/1999 e/o individuati dal P.R.G.  Edifici vincolati di interesse storico e edifici di notevole interesse anche con riferimento a parti specifiche o a caratteri tipologici di particolare pregio.

Principio generale:  gli interventi devono essere rivolti principalmente al recupero igienico e funzionale di edifici per i quali si rendono necessari il consolidamento e l’integrazione degli elementi strutturali e la modificazione dell’assetto distributivo interno, anche con l’impiego di materiali e tecniche diverse da quelle originarie, purché congruenti con i caratteri degli edifici


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