Monday, February 28, 2011

Collar Bone Is Burning

eyelashes .... I tried them!

the other day I made the plunge and ... I tried them!

As you can see are incredibly long and exaggerated .... I have not had the courage and the opportunity to wear them out and now I'm looking for something more natural .... maybe for the Baptism of Gabriel! ! ;)

For now I post the pictures so you understand exactly what I mean by "exaggerated ".... and As always, if you have any questions I'm here! A bacioneeeeee! V.

nb. The photos are all was made by my personal photographer, my Matthew!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sony Television Usb Port

Purchases Essence

few days ago I went to Essence, of course with my boyfriend! He always gives me lots of good advice! : D

So I bought 3 little things that I can not wait to show you!
Stampy The first is the set for nail art.

Inside is everything you need to do a nail art more than decent ... The spatula was inside the kit was a bit spoiled in the sense that the blade was a little 'twisted and stuck inside but it works the same, even if not great!
With this set I was fine using it on natural nails, a little 'less when I had to decorate your nails already glazed ... vote? 7

And now the second purchase ..!
The Essence of eyebrow pencil! I must say that at first when I saw I was not entirely convinced, then I consulted the wonderful blog of my cousin and she speaks really well so I trusted!
Big mistake! Haha just kidding! The pencil is really good and I found myself very well! In my shop there were only two colors and I chose the darker, which is perfect for my eyes! Vote? 9

Finally I bought this beautiful palette marked Manhattan, the brand that truly I had never heard! But they were off and in more colors I like so much! I think I will study something for the baptism of Gabrielino and now I just decided that I will use this palette! I will tell you later ...;) vote 9 per hour!

And that's all! I was very happy with my purchases, I must say that Essence I am always very satisfied!
A kiss girls! V.

What Causes Mouth Ulcers

Phrase of the Month: February 2011

does not matter if you're going very slowly.
What matters is that you do not have stood.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cover Letter For Retail Sales

Make up Make up

Girls I show you in a hurry to make up the green and gray that I did for Valentine's Day! We had already shown a picture when I make this up to present the lipstick of Kiko, but also put photos of the trick in particular! Tell me what you think, I personally have loved! I'm really been fierce in my work! : D A big kiss dear!! See you soon! V.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who To Contact On Hughes Aircraft Retirement Fund

Archangel Archangel Archangel


Sympathetic this logo. The company name is associated with the sky and the whiteness clouds. Will the environmentalists?

ITT is a company founded in 1971 by Paolo Angelico with the name of Dyeing and Finishing Angelico sas, the company becomes ITT Ltd in 1982 and ITTSpA in 2004. The current headquarters in a historic building in the center of the Biella textile sector and covers an area of \u200b\u200b30,000 square meters, 15,000 of which are covered. It employs 120 employees

ITT, owner Paul Angelico , was recently held liable for accidental pollution of groundwater with solvents and Tetrachloroethylene tricloroetlene. The statement of responsibility was made on November 18, 2010 .

Chronicle Part (Eco di Biella, UIB, communication IEB) which had essentially been silent in the investigation predenza ARPA, in February 2011 tells us that ITT - Angelico became responsibly diligent self-complaint and submit a "plan of characterization," prior to the remediation plan described in a special Conference of services.

due diligence?

To read the practice illustrated by ARPA mapping was initiated in 2008 after finding a random high values \u200b\u200bof the solvents in a well south of Biella, and ended in July 2010 with the identification of the site-outbreak, ITT Angelico (close to the company values \u200b\u200b 11,900 mg / l against the highest 10 g / l allowed by law).

For August 2010 ARPA gave notice of its findings to the public prosecutor and the Municipalities.

Only November 2010, almost "encircled" and overwhelming evidence in the hands of the "investigators" ARPA-ITT Angelico surrendered to the evidence, "confessing" (so a normal judicial reporting would handle the issue).

But, as you have all this, "on De Rica one can not" : Angelico Biella is a name that has a (basketball, advertising, etc.). and part of the record has magnified the confession which beau geste environmental liability.

only "Biella" has distinguished reporting periodically and highlighted the initiatives of ARPA, mapping, bans consumer willing and polluters.

remains unknown at the time one. If you look at the map below you can see that the establishment of COCA-COLA Gaglianico is right at the south edge of the area where it is forbidden to use the wells.

Millions of cubic meters of water each year are emunti deep aquifer in this plant.

While it reflects a general difficulty of the passage of contaminants from the surface to the deep aquifer (the clay barrier and elution conditions with lengthy exchange between the two layers) could further reassure users making public online periodic testing of water used by Coca-Cola Gaglianico.

a practice that should be routine and which is more justified by events, conversely there is an unreasonable unavailability of data on the quality of water used by Coca-Cola Gaglianico.

E 'paradoxical that this figure is, in fact, still considered "trade secret " subject to the rules of privacy and some time each citizen can easily access the pages of the site and read ROPE parameters of water analysis for water supply in each municipality and other distribution points.

ASL ARPA and supervision but do transparency be exercised by publishing the data.

wonder whether, sooner or later you will COCA COLA due diligence?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Does Best Buy Do With Exchanged Items

green and gray and white gray

Girls, here's an example of the makeup that I love to do ... I Did it in a hurry the other day to hang out with Matt .... What you say?? A big kiss! V.

Best Vacuum Cleaner For Frieze Carpet

due diligence 10-11 09 -11 BLIND LUCK

This building is classified by Italy via PRGC Category 2 (*) and the facade restoration is subject to under the NTA, Art. 16.4.3 d);

As you can see the ' building has already been a raising in the past.

A few days ago a portion of the building is characterized by additional sopraffettazioni, three dormer style alpine chalet :

Probably the Building Committee are not fussy and have admitted to intervene, even if they do not reflect the style of the facade as well as being partial (does not affect the entire building, giving rise to heterogeneity) and features larger windows than those present at the upper floor below.

A crap that not even the time of partition policy Municipal zoning between PCI and DC those of foxes and Nosengo arch.ti Varner would never have allowed.

But it is well known: in urban, today more than ever, be Fortunato does not hurt (and even better if an architect).



Concerns: edifici di notevole interesse storico artistico,  vincolati ai sensi del D.Lgsl. 490/1999 e/o individuati dal P.R.G.  Edifici vincolati di interesse storico e edifici di notevole interesse anche con riferimento a parti specifiche o a caratteri tipologici di particolare pregio.

Principio generale:  gli interventi devono essere rivolti principalmente al recupero igienico e funzionale di edifici per i quali si rendono necessari il consolidamento e l’integrazione degli elementi strutturali e la modificazione dell’assetto distributivo interno, anche con l’impiego di materiali e tecniche diverse da quelle originarie, purché congruenti con i caratteri degli edifici

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Do Use When Waxing

Review Buff'd Cosmetics

Hello girls! Then this
è una review un po' speciale, ovvero quella dei campioncini Buff'd che ho ricevuto a casa...Devo dire che sono stati davvero velocissimi a spedirli, considerando che arrivavano dal Canada e che era tutto perfettamente intatto! ;)

I colori dei fondotinta che ho ricevuto li avevo chiesti io, specificando quali avrei desiderato ricevere e il resto l'hanno deciso loro in base al colore dei miei occhi e a quello dei miei capelli!
Sempre rimanendo sul tema colori, devo dire che mi sono piaciuti molto, come vedete sono quasi tutti sul marrone, che è un colore che si adatta quasi a tutte, ma è anche il colore che solitamente use more!

Let's start with the review:

First of all, the foundation, and those that I have received are:
- Neutral - Light Medium Mineral Foundation in Concealing Formula
- Apricot Mineral Concealing Foundation in Formula
- Mineral Finishing Powder Putty

These three foundation only very very similar to the color of my skin, then eliminate the defects, but without Note that there is a foundation! It all seems very natural and I must say that I really like this ... My favorite is the Putty because it contains small rhinestones that give a little 'light to the skin, while others are very natural and strictly opaque!

Let the earth and illuminant:
- Candelight Illuminating
Dust - Honey in Bronze Velvet Matte Mineral

The first illuminating it's adorable, I want it! I love the brilliant things and I go crazy ... This is the illuminating light to the right place it really is perfect! (Maybe the photo does not make it up to do but study pen!)

With regard to the land, although this is perhaps too much the same to my skin color, and then in the photos that I did not notice, but I have say that it is quite opaque and suitable if you want a very natural look.

Then we have the blush or blush: What I have been sent are both pink and leave gotine the same color as those of children. Many stars appreciate this effect because it gives the impression that a person enjoys great wealth and health. It 's very nice to people on very thin and Kristin Stewart often makes use. The colors are:

-Playful Velvet Matte Mineral Blush in
- Tricky Mineral Blush Satin Pearl

The first is a beautiful pink, natural and simply adorable, the second is fantastic, as bright as you want I and a unique color! Promossissimi both, to put it in English, amazing, awesome! ;)

Here's swatch:

Then we have the three eye shadows, which as I mentioned are all in shades of brown:

- Plaster Mineral Eye Shadow
- Mousy Mineral Eye Shadow
- Magnetic Mineral Eye Liner

For these remarks can only be super-positive, are simply beautiful, very pigmented and almost all pearl colors are very neutral ... but really suitable in any situation!

And then we come to the end of this little review.
The final product is 10/10. They are real quality and tone are wonderful ...

Buff'd Cosmetics infinitely thank you for giving me the opportunity to try these products and can not wait l'ora di fare un po' di acquisti da loro.
Per quanto riguarda voi, ragazze, spero di avervi detto tutto e di aver fatto un articolo abbastanza soddisfacente e come sempre chiedete pure se volete altre infos.

Un bacione, a presto. V.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bruised Feeling On My Head

Kiko Creamy Lipstick No. 393

Hi dolls!!! ;)
Questo è un altro degli acquisti che ho fatto l'altro giorno da Kiko...Come saprete ormai tutte ultimamente ci sono gli sconti sui rossetti e li vendono a 3 euro....Penso proprio che in questi giorni andrò a prenderne qualun'altro perchè amo i rossetti e i colori disponibili da Kiko sono davvero molto carini!!

Questo che vedete è ufficialmente il mio primo rossetto "nude"...Di questi tempi vanno molto di moda e li vediamo addosso a milioni di star e non solo!! Ovviamente anche io ho voluto provare e devo dire che inizialmente non mi ha ispirato gran chè e pensavo di aver proprio sbagliato colore...Ho quindi ritentato un altro giorno (San Valentino XD) con un trucco decisamente più colorato e pesante rispetto a quello quasi naturale che avevo la volta prima!! Che dire?? Giudicate voi stesse!! Io l'ho adorato, e anche Matteo!! :D (che uomo adorabile!) 

In caso facessi qualche altro acquisto di rossetti ve lo faccio sapere, intanto il prossimo post sarà dedicato alle matite Kiko!!! Keeping up! Kisses, V.

I love you baby <3

Tea Party Hats To Decorate

Felegara Offroad 2011 - Video

1. Video Bad Spiders 4th Felegara Offroad 2011

Psychometric Tests Cruise Line

three shots in sequence for a smile

Il sorriso è tornato in piazza:
è capace, liberatorio e contagioso.
Lasciatevi contagiare

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Prevent Wrestling Diseases

Happy Valentine's everyone!

Buon San Valentino a tutti!! :)

Vorrei ricordare a tutte le persone (anche a quelle che pensano che sia solo una festa consumistica) che San Valentino è un giorno per ricordarsi di tutte le persone che amiamo, dei fidanzati ovviamente, ma anche degli amici, della nostra famiglia e di tutte le persone care. :)
E' il giorno dell'Amore con la A maiuscola, l'amore per le cose che adoriamo, ma anche per noi stessi....perchè se non riusciamo davvero ad amare la nostra persona non riusciremo mai ad amare veramente qualcuno...
Come ho già detto nel "sondaggio" di DADDA penso che in questo mondo ci siano troppe guerre e troppo odio, e un giorno dedicato all'amore è veramente indispensabile!
Fermiamoci un secondo, amiamo e distribuiamo un po' di dolcezza qui e là...ed apprezziamo, per una volta, le cose semplici...come una non-stop day of pampering! ;)

So Good Day ... Love!