Monday, December 6, 2010

Stock Impala Rims For Sale

Archangel Archangel

the home page of the Province of Biella was published this picture, a stylized atom with its good electrons, which logo / advertising of -stop energy " .

Questa scelta grafica  è molto discutibile: lo sportello, inaugurato dalla Provincia di Biella il 2 di dicembre, è infatti istituito per supportare i cittadini, le imprese ed i professionisti sulle tematiche riguardanti il risparmio energetico e le energie rinnovabili.

Nel logo nessun richiamo a vento, sole, geotermia e risparmio energetico. Immagini troppo scontate ? Avrebbero confuso l’avventore ? Chissà.

L’energia nucleare, che utilizza come combustile l’uranio 235 (0,7% dell’uranio in nature, from expensive extraction and exhaustion), falls outside of the renewable energy (*) but, obviously, every opportunity we can to send messages and subliminal misunderstanding, let all the broth.

The ideological campaign (and business) back in Italy for a third generation of the atom (the old soup, as the fourth generation is still at the prototype stage) will certainly use these mezzucci that view of the fact, can be defined very easily ... provincial!

(*) Both the energy "sources" and "no sources" are, in the second analysis, assessed on the basis of their "sustainability." The alleged "sustainability" of nuclear power is a subject of strong debate and criticism. Even the "sources" may lack in "sustainability" when the aggravation of exploitation (hydroelectric, solar, etc..) Is done at the expense of other contexts or elements ( life of the river, land use, agriculture, landscape, etc.).


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