Leggere la pagina VITA ECCLESIALE de “Il Biellese” è una sorta di supplizio.
Leggere la pagina VITA ECCLESIALE de “Il Biellese” è una sorta di supplizio.
Redatta con scopi referenziali la cronaca diocesana è intesa e concepita quale storia edificante . Mai dibattiti e confronti tra posizioni e idee: tutto amore e coralità sotto la guida del (ritenuto) infallibile Vescovo.
Fuori dall’ordinario l’edizione di martedì 28 dicembre ove don Giovanni Perini attacca senza mezze parole il Vescovo di Caxias che ha disposto frettolosamente la rottamazione di don Ezio Saviolo, rinunciando al troppo scomodo "fidei donum .
Perini writes that the bishop has assessed Low "the presence of Father Ezio no longer necessary. If we add envy and criticism clerical arrived immediately to the new bishop against Don Ezio for his ability to have thoughts and positions absolutely free from all allegiance and formalism, to which the new bishop has unfortunately given credit, the circle is closed. "
you imagine a local priest in the possibility to put ideas, notes, and even criticism (polite of course) to the Bishop of Biella in the pages of "Il Biellese"? Of course not.
Perini fact allows ( is allowed!) to attack the Bishop of Caxias, Brazil, since the sponsor works are Saviolo Caritas and the Diocese of Biella (with the resources made available by the citizens Biella) and the defense motion is much needed and due. Remember that if the Diocese of Biella had a nice spot for local 8xmille, such as glossy aired on national TV, Saviola was probably among the examples / actors, icona da preservare priva di ombre.
Non preoccupatevi tuttavia. Dal prossimo numero la pagina VITA ECCLESIALE tornerà ad essere quella di sempre, mansueta ed accomodante , non certa aperta ed ospitale nei confronti di quei cattolici e preti locali capaci di avere pensieri e posizioni assolutamente liberi da ogni formalismo e sudditanza.
Impostazione necessaria a sorreggere la mission principale del giornale diocesano, la funzione clerico-gentile ; funzione che il Vescovo ha ben interpretato in questi giorni di crisi di Giunta, Feste e Concerti patronali, with excessive winking and praise to the civil authorities, Mayor in the lead.
"The Biellese" not by chance put the 28/12 on the front page that the Mayor lights the candle (rite?) and under the table (ie no stress) and cowardly abandonment of the strategic Mayor and Municipal Assembly majority. Already the previous issue of 24/12, was entirely dedicated to magnify investment in construction of a majority, however, defeated in the classroom: a jarring news.
E 'evidence of faith without clergy -newspapers and Gentile would be difficult to further underscore that the Mayor and his uncertain future depends, increasingly, by the clergy- newspaper.
topic, that of the legitimate political and editorial address the bi-weekly, which should be the subject of ongoing debate and relevant in the real life of the Church because the publisher is, precisely, a Diocese.
Debate very necessary considering that the newspaper is characterized by too much time in an improper approach party- editorial (or rather, Junta Biella- editorial).
Unless, and this could subentrale the supposed infallibility of the Bishop, Donato Gentile is not to be understood - even him - which "fidei donum" .
Without that we could accept, if not to establish - is an inevitable consequence - a much more difficult theological dispute about the incomprehensible dogma :
Why Signuri by el Dom,
that does not lack the resources,
entrusted himself to mediocrity
and the banal populism
of this Donato Hello?
A "in the Biellese 'a bit of caution would not hurt. The Mayor has lit the candle but could end sooner or later with the taper off in his hand.
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