Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Moses Strikes A Rock Craft

subliminal 61-10 60-10 API and ROSPA

The alliance between geometry is much more than API (l 'A lleanza P er 's I talia)

Have you heard lately the surveyor Edgardo Canuto, provincial coordinator of APIs, to speak against the dam Valsessera?

Why should this sorrow to the surveyor Eugenio Castelli, Chief Stec Ltd, a subsidiary of Reclamation Consortium Baraggia?

are in business together, have the task of designing yet another ring and eats green agriculture Occhieppo between Superior and the way to Pollone.

"A collaboration between professionals with solid experience, strongly desired by the directors of Occhieppo to meet the arduous project (it's a rhetorical suggestion of" Archangel "as a justification and seal of interesting alliance professional).

Grand Patron of the operation is the Mayor of Upper Occhieppo, Emanuele Ramella Pralungo (the one for green energy also closes three eyes to evidence), but I believe that great mind and Mazarin is actually the Municipal Secretary dr. Carenzo Roberto.

not know about you but I'd be very embarrassed to express opinions by commission to design firms with whom I played professional advice:

10) Studying STEC of Vercelli administrative coordination and processing PTI "The Middle-earth." (extract the curriculum of dr. Carenzo web Occhieppo Sup)

Obviously I do not doubt anything on the management of the form, say intelligently than ever.

I remain rather puzzled about the substance: Steca Sr.l was formed to tasks of planning for its sole shareholder - the Consortium of Reclamation - and other features are only permitted as an exception, so do not normally, or when they are related to enhancing the professional development of society.

Steca Srl However, no more second exception, are becoming more commonplace in road works: •
not the end of a social Reclamation Consortium;
• are not related works;
• ; certainly not improve the professional development of a society to support an institution devoted to irrigation.

These, of course, are only doubts and questions that arise from the naive "Archangel", already devoted to other concerns (see this link )

Questions maybe they should ask themselves a number of politicians fascinated by so much efficiency and initiative. ...

Or even the Order of Engineers and Architects of the Province of Biella ... ..

But, obviously, in Biella are many who prefer to swallow tasty toads and take it with lurid carnival babi only


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