who wishes to read here, the year is conducive to good news, that a shot, bang a random, can change the fate and fortune ( accomplice of the poetic imagination Piero Ciampi: 40 soldiers sisters 40 - 1971).
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Good Resume For Alpha Kappa Alpha
the Archangel Fidei Donum
Leggere la pagina VITA ECCLESIALE de “Il Biellese” è una sorta di supplizio.
Leggere la pagina VITA ECCLESIALE de “Il Biellese” è una sorta di supplizio.
Redatta con scopi referenziali la cronaca diocesana è intesa e concepita quale storia edificante . Mai dibattiti e confronti tra posizioni e idee: tutto amore e coralità sotto la guida del (ritenuto) infallibile Vescovo.
Fuori dall’ordinario l’edizione di martedì 28 dicembre ove don Giovanni Perini attacca senza mezze parole il Vescovo di Caxias che ha disposto frettolosamente la rottamazione di don Ezio Saviolo, rinunciando al troppo scomodo "fidei donum .
Perini writes that the bishop has assessed Low "the presence of Father Ezio no longer necessary. If we add envy and criticism clerical arrived immediately to the new bishop against Don Ezio for his ability to have thoughts and positions absolutely free from all allegiance and formalism, to which the new bishop has unfortunately given credit, the circle is closed. "
you imagine a local priest in the possibility to put ideas, notes, and even criticism (polite of course) to the Bishop of Biella in the pages of "Il Biellese"? Of course not.
Perini fact allows ( is allowed!) to attack the Bishop of Caxias, Brazil, since the sponsor works are Saviolo Caritas and the Diocese of Biella (with the resources made available by the citizens Biella) and the defense motion is much needed and due. Remember that if the Diocese of Biella had a nice spot for local 8xmille, such as glossy aired on national TV, Saviola was probably among the examples / actors, icona da preservare priva di ombre.
Non preoccupatevi tuttavia. Dal prossimo numero la pagina VITA ECCLESIALE tornerà ad essere quella di sempre, mansueta ed accomodante , non certa aperta ed ospitale nei confronti di quei cattolici e preti locali capaci di avere pensieri e posizioni assolutamente liberi da ogni formalismo e sudditanza.
Impostazione necessaria a sorreggere la mission principale del giornale diocesano, la funzione clerico-gentile ; funzione che il Vescovo ha ben interpretato in questi giorni di crisi di Giunta, Feste e Concerti patronali, with excessive winking and praise to the civil authorities, Mayor in the lead.
"The Biellese" not by chance put the 28/12 on the front page that the Mayor lights the candle (rite?) and under the table (ie no stress) and cowardly abandonment of the strategic Mayor and Municipal Assembly majority. Already the previous issue of 24/12, was entirely dedicated to magnify investment in construction of a majority, however, defeated in the classroom: a jarring news.
E 'evidence of faith without clergy -newspapers and Gentile would be difficult to further underscore that the Mayor and his uncertain future depends, increasingly, by the clergy- newspaper.
topic, that of the legitimate political and editorial address the bi-weekly, which should be the subject of ongoing debate and relevant in the real life of the Church because the publisher is, precisely, a Diocese.
Debate very necessary considering that the newspaper is characterized by too much time in an improper approach party- editorial (or rather, Junta Biella- editorial).
Unless, and this could subentrale the supposed infallibility of the Bishop, Donato Gentile is not to be understood - even him - which "fidei donum" .
Without that we could accept, if not to establish - is an inevitable consequence - a much more difficult theological dispute about the incomprehensible dogma :
Why Signuri by el Dom,
that does not lack the resources,
entrusted himself to mediocrity
and the banal populism
of this Donato Hello?
A "in the Biellese 'a bit of caution would not hurt. The Mayor has lit the candle but could end sooner or later with the taper off in his hand.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Infiltrative Ductal Carcinoma High Grade
Archangel 66-10 65-10 CHRISTMAS GIFT
pack wrapped Christmas 2010 by Ermenegildo Zegna is a new (third) hydroelectric plant on Sessera.
pack wrapped Christmas 2010 by Ermenegildo Zegna is a new (third) hydroelectric plant on Sessera.
On December 22, 2010 has been deposited in the Province to start the instance that the EIA procedure for this work will entail the permanent loss of naturalness of the stream Sessera in his alpine section, in area SIC (Site of Community Importance).
The three catchment areas (two have already been completed.: A and B) follow each other without interruption for about 15 km, one after the other, no part of recovery, and so pure sarà per la terza, il tratto C. I deflussi minimi in alveo proposti (due già autorizzati) sono tutti molto al di sotto della Q355, la portata di magra (ovviamente chi vuole “rubare” l’acqua non propone il ricorso ai DMV ambientali e calcola le portate con afflussi meteorici inferiori a quelli di PTA) e le portate massime di prelievo sono tali da appiattire a rigagnolo uno dei più importanti torrenti alpini biellesi.
Per fortuna “l’Arcangelo” non dovrebbe essere più solo a denunciare questo saccheggio e l’ipocrisia ambientale of Zegna (Zegna Oasi proved only a caravan for tourism and trade, a sort of Pro Loco-run manor).
Ronzani filed in the Region bill No. 77 (October 7, 2010) where there is no possibility of new licenses hydroelectric river if the auction is already used for 70% of its course (and the hyper Sessera is used) or if there is a sudden recovery from a plant and the other equal to the length of the background to the uptake (and in this case there is no recovery).
We look forward to the Ronzani Bazzini and see the exposure to the test of consistency, to break the silence servile distinguished them when the first two units of the SIC Zegna were fired either from the center-left administration complacent.
protest by organizing conferences, mobilizing the people (and the populace) PD?
tabled questions and comments or even major operations, such as chained to the establishments Ermenegildo Zegna, deploring the environmental destruction and who squeezes the mountain without any measure?
It will help by Massimo Biasetti, alas in the awkward situation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Milena Velba Free Phot
Archangel 64-10 CALLING CARD
Steca Srl ago bingo , on 10/12/2010 won with the set up with ATI Stucky Ltd (a Swiss company, the Swiss leader of the design of dams), Polo with the Geological Survey of snc Rome, with Ricciardi and Dr. Valerio Geol. Paolo Maria Terzolo, the design of the dam Villanova, a reservoir of 15 million m3 called SERRA of Olives, in Mondovi (Cuneo).
In this case Steca Ltd, a subsidiary of Reclamation Consortium of Baraggia, participated in a tender in which, probably, to put its "good offices "The capacity in procedures, rather than the know-out design (for the uses of course Stucky).
Valsessera The design of the dam, however, has not gone out to tender.
The Consortium of Reclamation and Steca Srl (which can not, within itself, the whole design of these works) who have freely chosen to entrust the tasks of design consulting without public tender.
were involved only "four" public money (the financing is the Ministry of Agriculture), or € 4.5 million (for works to start is the forecast of 320 well mln euro).
Do not solve the age-old question: If the "buyer" (The Consortium) in fact pursues the profit for the company's "designer" (STEC Ltd) and derives itself about 35 million euro ("expenses" that are actually resources), what is the purpose?
Flush , as is confirmed by its participation in the race for the dam Steca Monregalese, is often only useful pretext , but the "design and construction works" is and remains the main objective and true (and business) of the Consortium and his creature.
And if the water is not "sufficient excuse" here are the castles (Buronzo, Verrone) the fair grounds (Caresana Blot), roads (Occhieppo sup., Ghislarengo), the urban variants (Cerrione, Verrone, etc.). (By chance the Secretary in some of these communities is the dr. Carenzo Roberto, consultant Stec Ltd).
Extremely interesting is to observe the award of Higher Occhieppo, Del. 24/2010 GC: The Steca Ltd has got the job offer with an incredibly lower than the bid average of the other competitors, about 20% less. How will they do? Undoubtedly, large capacity and a policy of prices.
console ourselves. When the restoration of Castle Verrone will be completed and will house a museum of the plate so entry should contain:
Un biglietto da visita di assoluto prestigio che ripagherà indubbiamente il Consorzio di Bonifica della Baraggia e la società Steci Srl di tanto disinteressato impegno per…… la risicoltura.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Nutritional Facts Of Corn Tortillas
What differentiates certainly the church of Our Lady of the Snow at Campra (Graglia) from other religious buildings of architectural features for (1600) and decorative treasures is its location, the spectacular landscape that surrounds the foot Mombarone in the sunniest valley of Biella.
This church, like others, is the subject of "merchants of the temple."
The traditional feast of Campra recollection is not only religious but the opportunity for profitable business, into a growth and development, need of course .... modern infrastructure.
The provisional and temporary banquet tent, to be installed on the lawn at the side, for only 10 days and then remove, no longer enough.
quietly on private land, including those of Directors of the sanctuary of Graglia, without the consent of the latter has raised these disfiguring and no more temporary objects, apparently without appropriate permissions building (imagine if San Secondo di Magnano allowed to make similar constructions ...).
The Administration of the sanctuary of Graglia has required (and requested) to the Pro Loco the restoration of sites, since the loan for use is bound to the structures in good standing with current standards (and thus only the temporary).
See documents and photos at this link: CLICK
How will it end? Immediately take it down the rubbish? Will be found any responsibility? Or it will all end in tarallucci and wine?
certainly threaten the church and a landscape project even more horrible:
building that would place a close to the basilica, where those artifacts are now illegal, or in that field today ensures that the Madonna of the Snow Campra in a great breath of perspective.
If you go in the near future Campra remember to ask the Lady of the Snow suitable "grace" :
save us and save by pro-site administrators and so blind
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Parts Diagram For Shark Steam Mop
Listen Aldo Busi is always interesting, here is an excerpt of his last interview television in which, on clericalism, illustrates the right and left
Listen Aldo Busi is always interesting, here is an excerpt of his last interview television in which, on clericalism, illustrates the right and left
[In Italy] to a right clerical by statute adds a sinister clerical , for convenience;
We have two oppositions of values \u200b\u200bbut a communion of goods in common;
A clerical left is nothing but a bad copy of the right;
Therefore we, in Italy, we always have only two right;
Why left a clerical is an oxymoron, is, as it were, a negation of itself, can not exist a left [if] clerical .
I tried to replace the word "clerical" the words "devoted to the planning consultation" with an equally interesting result
[In Italy] to a dedicated right consultation to urban by statute adds a sinister dedicated to urban consultation, for convenience;
We have two oppositions of values \u200b\u200bbut a communion of goods in common;
A left devoted to planning consultation is nothing but a bad copy of the right;
So we in Italy have always only two right;
Why the left devoted to the planning consultation is an oxymoron, is, as it were, a negation of itself, there can be no one left [it is] dedicated to the planning consultation ;
Without the premise, I try to ask the question:
Mello Rella Gabriel (right) is so different in urban consultation with Sella / CDA in recent days, the planning consultation operated for years by the jack-Susta-Raise-Barazzotto (even with the support of passive Pietrobon) for the CDA (interlocoturi Esselunga and the same seat), for the hypermarket (COOP party) or for former Rivets (stakeholders sincerely and banks)?
The left Biella - pedantic - always supposed to know better how to make a concerted urban than the right, under the illusion of knowing how to exercise only in favor of the city, but makes, in fact, addresses planning applications for rent, real estate and land.
This act did not notice that they have taken the urban conciliation as a method rather than the exception and a rare exception, giving up in the general plan of the city and more working only in fragments and in view of the desired of individual traders (the recent changes introduced by the left to the RL 56/77, in particular those relating to art. 17, have favored this method.)
Biella The left will not come out of this impasse and impasse - be nothing but a bad copy of the Mello Rella and right - until they have resolved their accounts with the past, the CDA, the mother of all consultations , admitting mistakes.
Environmentalists Biella always believe that the transaction is consummated CDA is also a real financial loss to the municipality, for amounts exceeding € 5 million (they were then submitted several complaints, including one to the Court of Accounts, but the "justice" was careful with widening, archiving, see this link material).
The final planning is still striking:
CDA made in the absence of any reason and public initiative, and is therefore shown , as of now, the unjustified taking of a detailed plan, it was just a PEC.
The City had the largest share prior to the land, does not currently possess nulla e nulla ha realizzato in quell’area. La monetizzazione urbanistica altro non è stata che svendita del territorio, rinuncia alla pianificazione pubblica del centro città.
Le densità fondiarie e le concentrazioni commerciali – elevate - non sono mai state sorrette da adeguate opere di urbanizzazione, incrementando il traffico e l’inquinamento (la necessità di un sottopasso in via Lamarmora, o altra soluzione, è lì a dimostrare questa carenza).
Oggi the left opposition, which rails against the last installment of concerted planning of the CDA, only interprets the play, one dear to the theatrical Pietrobon.
If Barazzotto Biela was re-elected Mayor of the town planning consultation with the saddle you would like done (some obvious difference, but shades), in continuity with the policies of a sinister urban Biella no capacity rigor and consistency.
In this uncomfortable truth, which should reflect a better contrast than easy alibi
the Mello Rella on duty.
------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------
Sometimes the left accuses the right of instrumentally:
"Hands Over the City"
but the real goal is not to defeat the
"Hands Over the City"
rid of an evil power, but only succeed in a passing ... hands.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Stock Impala Rims For Sale
Archangel Archangel
the home page of the Province of Biella was published this picture, a stylized atom with its good electrons, which logo / advertising of -stop energy " .
Questa scelta grafica è molto discutibile: lo sportello, inaugurato dalla Provincia di Biella il 2 di dicembre, è infatti istituito per supportare i cittadini, le imprese ed i professionisti sulle tematiche riguardanti il risparmio energetico e le energie rinnovabili.
Nel logo nessun richiamo a vento, sole, geotermia e risparmio energetico. Immagini troppo scontate ? Avrebbero confuso l’avventore ? Chissà.
L’energia nucleare, che utilizza come combustile l’uranio 235 (0,7% dell’uranio in nature, from expensive extraction and exhaustion), falls outside of the renewable energy (*) but, obviously, every opportunity we can to send messages and subliminal misunderstanding, let all the broth.
The ideological campaign (and business) back in Italy for a third generation of the atom (the old soup, as the fourth generation is still at the prototype stage) will certainly use these mezzucci that view of the fact, can be defined very easily ... provincial!
(*) Both the energy "sources" and "no sources" are, in the second analysis, assessed on the basis of their "sustainability." The alleged "sustainability" of nuclear power is a subject of strong debate and criticism. Even the "sources" may lack in "sustainability" when the aggravation of exploitation (hydroelectric, solar, etc..) Is done at the expense of other contexts or elements ( life of the river, land use, agriculture, landscape, etc.).
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Immobilizer Boat For Ankle
Ciao a tutti!!
vi ricordiamo che per il mese di dicembre saremo aperti tutti i giorni tranne il lunedi mattina!
da noi potete trovare idee regalo, modellismo, radiocomandi, warhammer, warhammer 40000, Munchkin, giochi in scatola, giochi di carte, Magic, Yu-gi-oh l'unico negozio a Verbania !!!!
Venite a trovarci!
Ciao a tutti!!
vi ricordiamo che per il mese di dicembre saremo aperti tutti i giorni tranne il lunedi mattina!
da noi potete trovare idee regalo, modellismo, radiocomandi, warhammer, warhammer 40000, Munchkin, giochi in scatola, giochi di carte, Magic, Yu-gi-oh l'unico negozio a Verbania !!!!
Venite a trovarci!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Moses Strikes A Rock Craft
subliminal 61-10 60-10 API and ROSPA
The alliance between geometry is much more than API (l 'A lleanza P er 's I talia)
Have you heard lately the surveyor Edgardo Canuto, provincial coordinator of APIs, to speak against the dam Valsessera?
Why should this sorrow to the surveyor Eugenio Castelli, Chief Stec Ltd, a subsidiary of Reclamation Consortium Baraggia?
are in business together, have the task of designing yet another ring and eats green agriculture Occhieppo between Superior and the way to Pollone.
"A collaboration between professionals with solid experience, strongly desired by the directors of Occhieppo to meet the arduous project (it's a rhetorical suggestion of" Archangel "as a justification and seal of interesting alliance professional).
Grand Patron of the operation is the Mayor of Upper Occhieppo, Emanuele Ramella Pralungo (the one for green energy also closes three eyes to evidence), but I believe that great mind and Mazarin is actually the Municipal Secretary dr. Carenzo Roberto.
not know about you but I'd be very embarrassed to express opinions by commission to design firms with whom I played professional advice:
10) Studying STEC of Vercelli administrative coordination and processing PTI "The Middle-earth." (extract the curriculum of dr. Carenzo web Occhieppo Sup)
Obviously I do not doubt anything on the management of the form, say intelligently than ever.
I remain rather puzzled about the substance: Steca Sr.l was formed to tasks of planning for its sole shareholder - the Consortium of Reclamation - and other features are only permitted as an exception, so do not normally, or when they are related to enhancing the professional development of society.
Steca Srl However, no more second exception, are becoming more commonplace in road works: •
not the end of a social Reclamation Consortium;
• are not related works;
• ; certainly not improve the professional development of a society to support an institution devoted to irrigation.
These, of course, are only doubts and questions that arise from the naive "Archangel", already devoted to other concerns (see this link )
Questions maybe they should ask themselves a number of politicians fascinated by so much efficiency and initiative. ...
Or even the Order of Engineers and Architects of the Province of Biella ... ..
But, obviously, in Biella are many who prefer to swallow tasty toads and take it with lurid carnival babi only
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