Saturday, January 29, 2011

List Of Companies The Donat

the Archangel - peaceful use - PARODY


"The Biellese" came out last week with this interesting insert with 48 pages devoted to sex education .

With courage and technical rigor the diocesan newspaper has tackled a difficult topic that without the expert support of the faith, no longer able to sgarbugliare. Here the index:

Sex education for the future
• The church el 'sex education
• ; What is the 'sex education
• A choice planetary
• ; La situazione della e ducazione sessuale in italia
•        L’Italia e il sesso : tra avanguardia e ripensamenti
•        10 domande, 10 risposte
•        L’ educazione sessuale sotto la lente di ingrandimento
• Security in sexuality

Even the Bishop of Biella wanted escape this process of truth and the promotion of 'peaceful use of sex education wanted by the CEI-ENEL.

then the call to duty Encyclical "Caritas in Veritate where Pope Benedict XVI stresses " sex education is not in itself good or bad but that is the use of it is that makes it acceptable or unacceptable."

The insert of course leaves the reader, after providing a framework and objective compete (!) On the state of sexuality in Italy and around the world, the verdict on the return or not to sex education in Italy, the Church has always been fortunate to avoid dealing with what they read in Italians.

Archangel therefore welcomes the initiative, hoping that "Biella" does not do the same and improperly on the theme of 'energy as the' nuclear energy is a dogma and does not need propaganda paid by ENEL but only faith, possibly blind and complacent .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Distinguish Ingrown



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Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Tell A Steep Tech Is Fake

Archangel 04-11 RENDERING: VIEW


Sometimes the question of the Freeway Piazzo back in fashion, a sort of mirror (election) for larks.

The work is obviously needed and heralded utilities regardless , no cost-benefit analysis (which will also damage the environment and landscape) is drawn up, no serious discussion.

The idea of \u200b\u200btangential Piazzo was born together with the estimates of the PEC small drum, which has always been the cornerstone of . To take off this costly and risky investment property (formerly Bertrand failure) is a road and a "policy" that provides in that direction.

This is not news that the public works often serves as a basic flying to other jobs. Even in the bypass Occhieppo Superior (public) has solved the same heavy burden to carry primary infrastructure works at a major PEC (private) provided in the town center.

obviously always concerned accidental coincidences between the larks the argument holds and it is widespread.

Unfortunately in the case of the bypass of the contradictions Piazzo never fail: Mello Rella Gabriele recently illustrated the need to resolve conflicts between Plan and the Geological Survey. The Plan acknowledges the fact in some areas but that possibility to build is not recommended by the Geological Survey, written later.

Well, but for this you do not understand why the public should try to build a road in an area that we know everything about the geological instability (Class II, III and IIIa), where construction is simply an expensive venture and where there is also a constraint landscape.

That we will Biella-jannacciani want to see the effect that makes , as Graglia, and let fun build expensive works in areas classified as high risk? Nothing surprising.

The history of the bypass of the square has seen the Gian Luca beat his time to his nose in front of the technical evidence (the officials of the region could never agree on the variation of PRGC prepared for this' work, too high then the risk of having to answer before the Court of Accounts), but a good politician turned the debacle in agreement to form a new majority with the PDS.

Then a fierce bunch of green / environmental association / livable the city (and visible, he was not sure below) had the habit of dissecting the merits (see material ) actually putting a spoke in the wheels.

Today the matter is left to the securities only few passengers press release, written with no content or design, personal visibility in search of one.

In a City Council tacky when it is not clear whether it is more arraffazzonata the majority (too few chairs for too many suitors) or opposition (without ideas and without heart) can obviously happen all to the benefit of overbuilding and the unnecessary increase in public spending.

We will then arrange everything, including the viaducts, with a touch of urban , two colored lights, a bit 'here and a little' there ....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Aeron Chair Fit In Car

of placing the Archangel 03-11 IN A BETTER WORLD


In a better world the fairness of a conviction, expressed in correttezza e responsabilità sotto il profilo tecnico-giuridico, può valutarsi tale se effettivamente la pena proposta ed applicata riabiliterà il colpevole .

Ovvero questa equità non è completamente analizzabile nel momento in cui la sentenza è emessa ma solo quando la pena sarà conclusa, a consuntivo .

In un mondo migliore l’equità di un risarcimento economico, espresso con correttezza e responsabilità sotto il profilo tecnico-giuridico, potrà misurarsi tale se libera effettivamente da un danno chi l’ha subito, anziché determinare impropriamente un plus valore economico.

La condanna di Franco D'Onofrio a 20 anni di carcere ed al risarcimento in via provvisionale di 200.000 euro ai fratelli della vittima per l’omicidio volontario del proprio dipendente straniero, il senegalese Ibrahim  M’Bodi, come tutte le condanne, pone questi interrogativi.

Il sistema carcere italiano sarà in grado in questi 20 anni di riabilitare alla società Franco D’Onofrio ? Quei 200.000 euro di risarcimento liberano o daranno luogo ad un semplice plus valore in favore dei parenti ?

Il mondo della NONVIOLENZA ci testimonia capacità e approcci  in cui  le situazioni e problematiche sono state “ribaltate” con assunzione di responsabilità.

Per un mondo migliore Obiettori di Coscienza al Servizio Militare si offrivano nel dopoguerra nello sminamento dei campi.

Per un mondo migliore Danilo Dolci organizzava Feverfew in Sicily in 1956 to strike down a , held a protest of the unemployed working without pay in the construction of a municipal road abandoned.

For a better world, in justice Penitence, are likely to require the same courage overturning nonviolent : victims or their relatives who voluntarily provide that portion of compensation is only "plus value " for programs and rehabilitation activities in Italian prisons, a subsidiarity of the state does not provide with its prison system.

undoubtedly a difficult choice that requires a clear recovery of the penalty function (the Constitution provides that the State administer some revenge on behalf of victims) and an act that goes beyond resentment.

do not know if Adam M'Bodi, trade unionist, has ever organized a strike down and then will be able to grasp how much this tip will be useful and revolutionary practice in favor of a justice that is not armed with one sword and bars (and particularly severe with immigrants)

certainly fossi io al suo posto, con quei soldi in tasca, starei molto a disagio. Avrei la sensazione di essere passato, a fronte di un esito processuale sostanzialmente corretto, dalla parte del torto: aver chiesto giustizia consapevole di quanto la nostra giustizia si limiterà, con la pena, al solo gettar via la chiave.


Edible Vegetable Arrangements

Become a Bad Spider! Registration

The Bad Spiders is a club which shares his heart between his passion to practice off-road and pleasure for technical solutions.
Anyone can become a member, do not need a specific vehicle or superpreparato , but to make the initiatives the club for everyone, the membership is organized into three levels, Level I : Friends, Level II: Offroad , which is expected to be the most numerous, and Level III: Extreme where it requires a vehicle with a preparation elevata.Tutto this because we care about each output / event can remain forever a great experience!
Try us, join us, become a BAD SPIDER!


The program will provide various outputs for 2011 year giving the possibility to all interested parties to participate experiences living in off-road very spectacular. For this reason we choose for our exit routes versatile and fun, plus, where possible, some more demanding variant dedicated to those who will want to test himself and his half. For most of the outputs are open to all types of terrain.
are also provided for the participation in several national meetings

Our OUTPUTS for February, March and April.
Sunday, February 13, 2011 Sunday
March 27, 2011 Sunday, April 17, 2011

Every Sunday there are two different tours: Tour Soft
· : tires + mud stropper
· Tour Hard : lock + winch + post
with mud tires subscription to the Club all exits are free.
For organizational reasons, we ask to be informed about who will participate in the outputs.

you there!
Bad Spiders Tel: 345.9306803.
Subscribe to our blog or on facebook to be informed of our activities

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Archangel SPAGHETTI HOUSE 02-11


INTELLIGENT Contamination or ugliness?

These days, the veils fell from the facades of two buildings signed by Eng .. M. Spagarino. In both cases the recovery of architectural elements has been accompanied by matching "modern" questionable and heavy.

ENEL in the former headquarters overlooking the elegant façade of a series of anonymous and incongruous dormer style condominium in the 80s, with mini balcony built into the groundwater and, incredibly, with drenaggio diretto delle acque meteoriche in facciata. Il tutto per qualche metro quadro di SUL in più.

  In via Trento angolo via Zara, di fronte alla chiesa di San Paolo la “contaminazione o bruttura” si presenta invece quale sorta di  doubleface ma l’insieme è quello del pesce fuor d’acqua.

  Interno cortile
( lato via Trento)

Porzione di Via Zara facade

Which city administration had so much sensitivity to dismiss the whole thing?

Right or Left ?

How To Make Lacrosse Helmet Tilt


outcomes of the archangel 63-10

point out that the meritocracy has awarded Italian architect. Romeo Schiaparelli, President of the Opera Pia sanctuary of Graglia, with distrust.

guilty of having defended the interests of the authority and the responsibility of trying to protect the Church of Campra, referring to the law, was shown the door merchants from the Temple Pharisees attentive to form (their public image), but well forget the substance (the proper protection of the property).

What say Amen?


Monday, January 10, 2011

Words For A Baby Card


Registration is open to club 2011. Want to join us?

We look forward to the 4th Felegara Offroad (PR) on 22/23 January 2011.
Felegara If you sign up, sign up for the year 2011 is € 40!

Pokemon Subtitles Season 1

4th Felegara Offroad 4x4

22-23 January 2011

Fourth edition of the rally off-road vehicle powered by a charity SPIRICULA !!!!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011 14:00
permanent opening track off road lit up at night ...
at 14.00 opening track SCALERA & CROWLERS
standing at 19.00 on fire grills dinner under the tent (RISCALDTO)
concert at 22.00 Titty Twister and DJ sets all night long by BALLEREMO
ore 00.00 2° compleanno SPIRICULA con effetti speciali!!

ore 8.00 ritrovo fuoristradaore 9.00(max) partenza giri in collina EXTREME-HARD-SOFT
ore 13.00 previsto rientro e griglia sotto il tendone (RISCALDATO)
ore 14.00 apertura pista permanente off road illuminata fino a notte
ore 14.00 apertura pista SCALER & CROWLERS permanente

info off road / 3391493897

EXTREME : blocco ant + post + verricello + assetto + gomme fango
HARD : blocco post + verricello + assetto + gomme fango
SOFT : gomme fango + stropper
EXTREME E HARD obbligo preiscrizione per il soft solo molto pleasing forms and regulations:

in collaboration with the club:

BAD Spiders
MATTA Show All

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Can I Put Lanolin On My Dogs Teats

Archangel 01-11 in glove

ports ... Tell me that shirt. and I'll tell you who you are.

Following the maximum and in analogy to the case as we see it as Ronzani Milani. Accomplices always facebook pages, we found that Wilmer is not a follower of the shirts with the WHO, but is a staunch fan of Ermenegildo Zegna.

What has therefore no reason Berlusconi on post-communist cashmere?

I am very worried about how many "Mude" designer must now give our Regional Director for the cutting of 10% (a cut side) of the regional fat salary?

Of course it is futile to expect dall'imborghesito fan "Zegna" a question in defense of the SIC Valsessera, threatened by a planned third hydroelectric plant labeled "Zegna" and not just from "Baraggia "With the new dam.

It 'very unlikely that anyone who discusses such "thick as thieves" know then prove free from conditioning and intellectually honest.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can I Stopafter 8 Weeks Lorazep


January 22-23 January: 4th Felegara Offroad. Felegara (PR)

February 13, 2011 Bad Spiders 4x4
UnitGiro Soft: + mud tires stropper
Tour Hard: block winch post + + structure + mud tires
Meeting and departure at 8:30

March 27 March 2011, Bad Spiders 4x4 Unit
Tour Soft: + mud tires stropper
Tour Hard: block winch post + + structure + mud tires
Meeting and departure at 8:30

April 16, 2011, Bad Spiders 4x4 Unit - Turn to the afternoon!
Tour Soft: mud tires + Hard Round pendant
: block winch post + + structure + mud tires
Meeting and departure at 14:00