Monday, April 19, 2010

Rainbow Puffle For Free


The faithful will enjoy in the garden of delights, where clean rivers, milk, honey wine: where fruits are wonderful, eternal spring, where they will be beautiful women, with eyes the black iris, which will be the wives of the blessed. Nirvana: freedom from desire. Gan Eden: the garden of delight.

acrylic on canvas 50x70 cm

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chinese Groping On Train

- 1 opening!!

soon be part!

April 7, starting a new adventure!

fans aspect of modeling, wargames, magic, yu-gi.oh and role-play!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Miranda Cosgrove Bra Hula Skirt


Robot, as in science fiction, those who did not make me sleep at night. Or Tobor, read backwards. Friends disquieting, implacable enemies, heartless, the cocks of cardboard, colored like lego. They reproduce through recycled materials, imposing and fragile, paper and glue, acrylic jars, boxes and packets of Marlboro.

recycled materials, paper, acrylic
cm 180x90x40, 105x40x40, 75x50x50