Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Male Waxing In Orange County

Mi vendo

I sell. Another identity. You do what the world does not give you distracted. Everything has a price, tutto è in vendita. Ciò che è proibito, è sotto la porta di casa. In offerta speciale, in tre per due, sottocosto. La dignità, il lavoro, il sesso, la violenza. Venghino siori! Se quello che cercate non c'è, lo procuriamo. Braghe calate, non ho il resto, le faccio un pompino? Il tempo di fare un tiro di coca e sono da lei. La fede viene via per niente e la merda un tanto al chilo.

stampa digitale numerata
cm 70x100

Places That Are Hiring Part Time

Io sono dio

Chi sei tu, per porre domande a dio? Sono uno che non si inginocchia davanti a nessuno, che non piega la testa, che non prega o supplica, che non adora uomini inchiodati a una cross virgin madonnas, spirits or demons. If you weigh all the good and the evil done by men of the church, the balance is certainly toward evil. Assuming that a god could exist, I would put the questions, ask why, because I am him, although he is me.

Who are you?
numbered digital print, oil pastels, felt
70x100 cm

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Shower Curtain Hooks Satin Nickel

the day is coming ...

The material is coming ...
The opening day is coming ...
I can not wait!
can not imagine how beautiful material is ready for you! The time
Opening is not yet final ... But then they will tell you!


Monday, March 29, 2010

Turn Into A Dragon Spell


picture story, love, sex, violence, stupidity. Nothing new under the sun. Art by poor reading hairdresser, students from horny, desperate housewives, dreamers of Sunday, croissant generation icy, white pants and Vespino.

numbered digital print, 70x100 cm oil pastels

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How To Make A Toy Boat Motor

... Almost ready to go ...

I'm working for you ...
So I would say ...
I'm running around between paperwork and shopping of all kinds'm getting ready to open my shop in Verbania. To be precise in Via Paolo Intra Casana.
finally awakened to once more give a beautiful model and play "smart" or as I prefer to call them "the great games."
Model, Warhammer, card games like Magic, role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, painting classes for those who want to start coloring on his own or his miniatures custom colors for those who want to learn not have it:)

In most gifts, boxes for comics and much more ...

should be ready by early April, but already I'm open to any kind of information ..
Here are my contacts:

Cell: 3498866286

Hello guys! See you soon.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How To Build Cubby Lockers

Bad Spiders Unit - March

Se pensi di essere un fuoristradista veramente tosto, ben aguerrito, con un mezzo veramente valido ti aspettiamo domenica March 21, 2010 in Varano de 'Melegari, Parma.

Club BAD Spiders 4X4 UNIT organizes for its members two outputs for Sunday, March 21.
Output Level II: ride HARD (required block and winch post)
Output Level III: EXTREME around

To make the club for everyone, the membership of the Club is organized in 3 levels, respectively, from the lowest, Level I : Offroad, the highest, Level III: Extreme, which requires preparing a vehicle with a high (at least blocks of front and rear winch) and followed by an examination in which the club reserves the right whether to grant or not the highest level of membership . While you will be the category Hard, Level II, da cui ci si aspetta che sarà la più numerosa.

Ritrovo e partenza da Varano de' Melegari - Parma ore 8.30.
Per chi non è ancora socio può chiedere di essere ammessi al Club compilando l'apposito modulo d'iscrizione domenica 21 Marzo.
Per confermare la partecipazione e per maggiore informazione conttatarci via e-mail oppure tel. 345 9306803.